To Disclaimer:
Warm welcome to you. You're the only one who makes sense thus far. If only those others who came here to mess around had a little more sense than to provoke me in a mean manner first. As for me judging that a play is boring, it is only my personal preference. If i can't have my own preference then that would be very wrong of you to force me into liking/appreciating it. But of course, you didn't force me so all's fine =D just to quote your tags for reference:
Whether it's with the help of scripts or not, the play can still be as interesting. Don't judge a presentation just because people use scripts. The power lies in the presenter's hands. If he is able to manipulate the play to such a degree that it is engaging to the audience, then you cannot blame him for using a script. And please, do not insult people's craniums and brains. It's not very nice, and even if you do have to do it, please do it with more professionalism and a more powerful command of English. By saying that a play is plain boring, you have not only insulted the play itself, but also it's actors and actresses. Please spare a thought for others as they have rehearsed for such a long period of time already.
well, i would have preferred if you have identified yourself first, but it doesn't matter. chris mooney-singh is an example of the presenter you mention. and just for your information, i didn't insult their brains until they insulted mine. so i'm just playing fire with fire. i know it isn't nice to insult, but it is my freedom to. i said a play was boring and soon after, i have a number of people coming to my blog to insult me. it makes me wonder who mentioned my blog to them and why did they come to my blog since it has been dead for so long and have only been recently revived? it makes no sense unless one of them is guilty about it, then felt angry about it, and after that told her mates about it. if they don't believe that i'm correct, prove it. that's all i can request of them. not a bunch of people saying that i'm incapable and all that. as for sparing a thought for others, do the rest do so to me? i'm just a single person who is having to "answer" to the lot of them. if what i said cause them some emotional or mental stress, wouldn't it be the same for me? with a multiplier to it because i have more than one person going against me? you do talk sense, much more than the others who have done so and the recent one who just tagged not long ago (tingyu). what's the use of using powerful language for such minor matters? to confound those who "speak up for themselves"? course not, i would rather them understand every word i say than to just confuse them with big words. if you anger youself after reading this, many of them are not targeted at you. but if that is the case, it just goes to show that you are probably guilty of some that i've mentioned. nice day to you.
To tingyu:
seems that a whole troop is gonna come at me if this goes on but, whatever. welcome. here are your tags:
you know what, seriously you shouldnt even be talking about something you aren't even sure of in the first place.Sure, it may be a recital, but it really isnt much of your business to critisise wth,right.if you really wna talk about raey and natasha etc like that, you should know you're not that great either.stop harping on your self proclaimed poor psle results.we dont give a damn and btw, its ' i love people who argue against me, not argues against me LOL oh yeah, stop insulting others.its their cca their talking about and you really shouldnt seriously, what if we go up to your art piece and go ' thats so ugly!' what, you'll say we cant understand abstract. right. so what if you're in art club. some of us are in AEP also shut up about eds and the jc ppl if you dont know anything & fact1) an average human doesnt use more than 10% of their brain in their entire lifetime, so for once, you're -.- in case you didnt know, AEP is the art elective program so you know which class youcan find me in loll. like seriously.try getting more infor bout what AEP means before making a fool of yourself lol
first and foremost, i do admit i don't know 100% of what EDS peeps are doing at the moment. i'm not a god, i wouldn't know. so, don't state the obvious. also, don't tell me you don't criticize others. sure, i criticized a play, but not the cca. why would i criticize a cca i'm planning to join? wouldn't that be contradictive? i'm not great or whatever. i'm just me. i've got my hands to type whatever i want in my blog. what makes you think you've got any authority on it? harping on my psle results? i don't give a damn. and since neither do you, why talk about it in the first place? i think i've mentioned your mistake on my grammar. so i'll give it a pass here. just to remind you, i wouldn't mind if the whole world says my art is ugly. in fact, i don't give a damn either. i just draw, colour it if i feel like it, and the end. i'm in art club and i'm no longer anywhere near proud to be in it. i was last year when they spent time to develope your artistic skills. now, they just expose you to different kinds of art, which i find boring (and take note: it is MY own FREEDOM to say what i want). now you may be thinking, "he's such an idiot, he even insults his own cca" but all i am trying to tell from this is that art club no longer suits me in terms of its activities. full stop. nothing more. anyway, in my tag i know i mentioned that AEP is a cca, which i know i'm wrong. i was just lazy to mention it as something else since i was grouping both eds and art club under ccas too, and i only wanted to mention that it means nothing to a person's character. i opted out for AEP if you didn't know. i won't find you anytime soon, mainly because i have no reason to, but if you want to give me a slap or something, just come right over to 2K, i'll be willing to take it anytime to help you simmer down =D nice day to you too.
To prince:
LOLs, i cry so rarely, it's like once every 3 years on the average O.o anyway, that statement was based on crying for crying's sake and not crying due to spice, happiness, pain, etc.
To sanguis rocks my botak:
=.= anything better to do then spamming?
To anon:
NO, i'm not with elaine >.<
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