Chionging some leftover bits of things here and there, just've been to the 6.1's blog. Read through the names all the way down and i realise i don't know much of them at all. Realised that i've grown stupid in the academic sense but smarter in terms of mind conception and emotional intelligence (is that good?). My tagboard's dead too...
Blah blah, going to wreck my brain's cerebellum now. Digging into memories... Okay first thing that pops up. Level camp this year :D oh ya, i never did finish my post on level camp so i shall just try to re-remember as much as i can.
I was somewhere around campfire night in that post. Let me recount:
The Romance of Three Karanguni's Narrator(Vivian & Zhenting) : (I forgot what Vivian and Zhenting said but it was just an introduction about 3 karang guni's in the modern world, oh ya and i was liu bei the supposed 'crybaby' O.o)
liu bei enters the stage and acts sissy, and then pretends to cry when the word 'crybaby' was heard.
Narrator: (Something like "a typical day of liu bei being a karang guni")
liu bei walks around picking up a bottle, a rubik's cube (how did it get there?! lol, it was mine...), sees 3 commoners and starts begging.
Liu bei/young (Me) : Ah! Kind lady, c-can you sell me some of your stuff? P-please? (something like that)
Lady (Dionis) slaps liu bei to the ground. Liu bei whines pitifully. The other 2 commoners (Zhi En & Zhi Yi) helps liu bei up and agrees to sell him some stuff.
Liu bei: Thank you so much! Thank you!
Liu bei starts walking in the opposite direction, as the narrators speak.
Narrator: (something like liu bei meets his love)
*background singers (mainly, everyone else who weren't acting) starts the "Pretty woman" song with minor lyric changes.
Liu bei's destined lover (Sarah) walks towards Liu bei's position, but walks past him. Liu bei makes haste to catch up to her and starts to ask for her number.
Liu bei: M-ma-m-may I-i-i have your number please? At the word 'please', liu bei turns his back towards his destined lover and fiddles about with his fingers.
The woman then prods him on his shoulder and liu bei turns around to take it. A smile lits up his face and there was a moment of silence. Liu bei then shouts 'YES!' thrice to show his happiness to the audience in a ridiculous and sissy manner.
Oh gosh, i think i'm like embarasing myself here O.o any way, Zhang xin owns the stage afterwards with even gayer and niang actions and sylvia as the older version of liu bei's destined lover is extremely comical xD there was even a scene of solving a rubik's cube (LOL) I guess that concludes Act 1: Scene 1 (Liu bei's intro & the slapping part), 2 (meeting of liu bei's lover and getting the number) and 3 (the aftermath of the couple's relationship).
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL............ I'm bored again... shall post later if i get any bore-er than i already am.
Chionging some leftover bits of things here and there, just've been to the 6.1's blog. Read through the names all the way down and i realise i don't know much of them at all. Realised that i've grown stupid in the academic sense but smarter in terms of mind conception and emotional intelligence (is that good?). My tagboard's dead too...
Blah blah, going to wreck my brain's cerebellum now. Digging into memories... Okay first thing that pops up. Level camp this year :D oh ya, i never did finish my post on level camp so i shall just try to re-remember as much as i can.
I was somewhere around campfire night in that post. Let me recount:
The Romance of Three Karanguni's Narrator(Vivian & Zhenting) : (I forgot what Vivian and Zhenting said but it was just an introduction about 3 karang guni's in the modern world, oh ya and i was liu bei the supposed 'crybaby' O.o)
liu bei enters the stage and acts sissy, and then pretends to cry when the word 'crybaby' was heard.
Narrator: (Something like "a typical day of liu bei being a karang guni")
liu bei walks around picking up a bottle, a rubik's cube (how did it get there?! lol, it was mine...), sees 3 commoners and starts begging.
Liu bei/young (Me) : Ah! Kind lady, c-can you sell me some of your stuff? P-please? (something like that)
Lady (Dionis) slaps liu bei to the ground. Liu bei whines pitifully. The other 2 commoners (Zhi En & Zhi Yi) helps liu bei up and agrees to sell him some stuff.
Liu bei: Thank you so much! Thank you!
Liu bei starts walking in the opposite direction, as the narrators speak.
Narrator: (something like liu bei meets his love)
*background singers (mainly, everyone else who weren't acting) starts the "Pretty woman" song with minor lyric changes.
Liu bei's destined lover (Sarah) walks towards Liu bei's position, but walks past him. Liu bei makes haste to catch up to her and starts to ask for her number.
Liu bei: M-ma-m-may I-i-i have your number please? At the word 'please', liu bei turns his back towards his destined lover and fiddles about with his fingers.
The woman then prods him on his shoulder and liu bei turns around to take it. A smile lits up his face and there was a moment of silence. Liu bei then shouts 'YES!' thrice to show his happiness to the audience in a ridiculous and sissy manner.
Oh gosh, i think i'm like embarasing myself here O.o any way, Zhang xin owns the stage afterwards with even gayer and niang actions and sylvia as the older version of liu bei's destined lover is extremely comical xD there was even a scene of solving a rubik's cube (LOL) I guess that concludes Act 1: Scene 1 (Liu bei's intro & the slapping part), 2 (meeting of liu bei's lover and getting the number) and 3 (the aftermath of the couple's relationship).
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL............ I'm bored again... shall post later if i get any bore-er than i already am.